peace of mind for pets and people
Quality care is my passion
Personalized services to fit you and your animal companions’ needs and preferences
Scheduled care depending on availability: 9 AM to 6 PM, On-call for drop-ins: 12 PM Noon to 8 PM
New Client Consult
Use the form on the contact page of this site to send me an email, or reach me by phone at 814 408 0422
Weekly Walking
Planned check-ins start at $15 for 30 minutes of attention, including outside time and/or the individual animal’s preferred quality time activities. Additional time in 15, 30, or 60 minute increments
Adventure Time: $30 for a full hour of outdoor play and exercise, up to 2 miles of walking/hiking
Scheduling Ahead
Renée-Stays: $60 for each day/night of in-home care and companionship while you are away
Drop-in Visits
Drop-in visits start at $20 per visit, available during on-call hours only
**I aim to make my services accessible to all, so pricing is on a sliding scale. Let me know what you need and I’ll be happy to work out a plan with you ☻